Bulletproof Whiteboard 18 x 20"
The Bulletproof Whiteboard is designed to be large enough to cover the majority of the body, especially helping protect the vital sections of the body. And because it is a whiteboard, any teacher or instructor can use it to help their instruction, while giving them the ability to protect themselves and anyone else behind them. These whiteboards have been approved by the National Institute of Justice to effectively stop multiple rounds from a handgun or shotgun, making them a staple for any classroom to protect teachers and students when they are most vulnerable.
The weight of this white board is only 4 pounds.
What is this made of?
The whiteboards are made of a fiber called Dyneema, which is the first man-made fiber that is stronger than spider silk per density. The material is two and a half times stronger than Kevlar, but is actually light enough to float!
What people have to say about these shields.
“The Sandy Hook shooting took place in a small town with a very low crime rate, much like our town of Berlin. Now that we have the shields, we have a feeling of security. In the case of a gunman, we will not be defenseless. This piece of mind makes our day to day lives at Worcester less worrisome and ushers in the normality we felt before the incident.” - Victoria – 9th Grade
“The majority of teachers would do just what the teachers at Sandy Hook did - absolutely anything to protect their students. Ballistic whiteboards make that prospect easier.” - Charlotte Orlando, Kindergarten Teacher, Fairfax County Schools, Virginia
"It's a potentially life-saving tool, a last line of defense in the event of an active shooter situation, and that was basically the thinking behind my decision as President to spend $59,800 on the whiteboards/shields." - President Juliette B. Bell, University of Maryland.
If you still have questions, or in any way doubt the efficacy of our bulletproof whiteboards, please call to talk with one of our emergency experts.